At Triennial XV, we want to see women coming to Jesus Christ and growing in their relationship with Jesus. Our theme, “Quench” provides a perfect opportunity for God to meet us and challenge us in deep ways.
So at Triennial we will ask, What do you thirst for? And how do you quench your thirst? A great group of speakers will help us as we seek to “drink deeply from the fountain of salvation.” We’ll look at how we sometimes try to quench our thirst in ways that don’t satisfy. And we’ll explore Jesus’ invitation to drink of the living water.
In addition, there are great learning experiences, exciting excursions, special events, interactive features, and a big anniversary to celebrate. Yes, Women Ministries will thank God for 100 years of vital ministry and mission in the Evangelical Covenant Church, with a look back that propels us forward to new and exciting vision-led ministry in the years to come.
I invite you to come to Kansas City, the City of Fountains, to drink deeply of all that God has for you. I hope you’ll join me at the fountain at Triennial XV!
Sincerely in Christ,
Meagan Gillan
Director, Women Ministries